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Healthcare stakeholders frequently assume risk for the care quality of prescribers delivering services to their constituents. As prescribers are the primary source of prescription drugs, any efforts to reduce prescription drug abuse must begin with them, and must identify and monitor prescribers. The PSI Score™ model in the National Prescriber Risk solution delivers a composite risk score that includes the following elements:


  • Hospitals and Clinics

  • Medical and Pharmacy Boards

  • Medical Malpractice Carriers

  • Benefits/Talent/Risk Management Companies

  • Pharmaceutical Supply Chain

IDENTIFY those whose prescribing behaviors may contribute to prescription drug misuse, abuse, addiction, and diversion and stratify them by risk severity using the PSI Score™ model.

  • PSI Score™ is a composite measure of risk

  • Calculated using a weighted combination of multiple risk factors

  • Scores updated monthly

  • Identify demographic and geographic trends

  • Analyze changes in prescribing behavior over time

MONITOR prescribing patterns to detect unusual or unexpected

changes in behavior.

  • Measures prescriber behavior change over time

  • Provdes detailed view of controlled substance drug prescribing profile

  • Percentile rankings by nation, region, state, city, and specialty

  • Prediction capability allows you to react long before behaviors result in risk

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